Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Adr – Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR is an assortment of systems in which conflicts can be resolved without litigation and the courts. Types of alternative dispute resolution are arbitration, mediation, and negotiations. Without the litigation process, alternative methods provide fast and efficient results without the high cost and long litigations (Cheeseman R. Henry). Learning Team Dispute Conflicts, disputes, or disagreements among team members will be initially settle and handle through proper communication and negotiation between team members.ADR will be exclusive for those disputes and problems that can not be resolve in a timely manner and are affecting the team to achieve goals and deliver their projects. Some conflicts are necessary to bring new perspectives and different points of view among a diverse group of people. They enhance positive productivity, responsiveness, and effectiveness in achieving goals. Disagreements that are subject to an alternative dispute clause †¢ Violation of conduct code. â € ¢ Lack of participation. †¢ Minimum communication. †¢ Poor performance. †¢ Negative attitude toward the team. Late delivery of assignments that can affect the team members. Type of Alternative Dispute Resolution for Learning Team This type of ADR will be used to resolve disagreements among the learning team members during the length of this course, and will be suitable for use by any learning team in any course of the program. Mediation This method involves an attempt by the team members to resolve the dispute with the help of a neutral third party; in this case the mediator will be the instructor. The instructor’s role will be advisory, he or she may offer suggestions but the resolution will be made by the team members themselves.Mediation proceedings will be confidential and private. The team members will be in control of the outcome for the settlement of the dispute. In mediation, the third neutral party is involved to help facilitate the teams own settl ement process. They will agree to the procedures and to the individual who will assist in the dispute resolution process (LLL, 2010).Reference: Cheeseman R. Henry 2010 Chapter 3: Judicial, Alternative, and Online Dispute Resolution ‘Lectric Law Library. (2010). A Beginner’s Guide to Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blood Doping: Is it Rational and Ethical? Essay

You’re in the big race and your rival who you’ve been neck and neck with all year long somehow beats you by way more than usual. You ran one of the best races of your life and he somehow beat you and you don’t know how. Winning that race would have gotten a lot of opportunities from big colleges and instead of looking at you they’re looking instead, at your rival. How would you feel if you later learned the reason he was able to beat you was only because he started blood doping? Now imagine this happening at the professional level every day. Blood doping is unethical, unfair, unsafe, and needs to be regulated and removed completely from professional sports and recreational use. â€Å"Blood doping† is comparable to the administration of anabolic steroids and other drugs with the hope of improving athletic performance. Anabolic steroids have been considered unethical and have been banned from use in sports and blood doping, as it should, is banned as well. The athletes are placing themselves at risk for serious complications without medical benefit. Surely there is the idea that they will do anything to win, but is it worth it? Kathleen Sharp, in her article â€Å"A Drug to Quicken the Blood,† shares the negatives to EPO explaining, â€Å"Too many red blood cells can turn your blood to sludge and make the heart work overtime. The drug raised the risks of strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks. Even worse was that EPO could potentially multiply cancer cells† (Sharp). Look more:  satiric essays EPO has so many health risks and these athletes just ignore them because their goals are more focused on winning rather than their long-term health. There are many other athletes out there, who haven’t admitted to it, but are taking EPO without the public’s knowledge and some of the reason might be that they are taking it just to keep up with others. Imagine this scenario: One athlete starts doping and starts excelling above others, then other athletes will need to dope as well to keep pace with him. The fact that there can only be one winner means a lot of these athletes are doping and are not winning anything, which results in risking and damaging their health without having anything to show for it. Besides the health problems that EPO risks, users are making a conscious decision to use an illegal substance to attempt to benefit their performance and gain an edge on the competition. Much like steroids as mentioned before, EPO is not allowed to be used in sports. Using an illegal substance to try to gain an edge over the competition is unethical no matter what position you take on blood doping. If blood doping was allowed in sports, then the discussion would be different, but since it is not, using it is considered cheating which is unethical behavior and is not acceptable in competition of any kind. There’s a code of ethics that athletes are supposed to follow. They sign contracts and get paid millions of dollars to perform in their respective sport and it’s assumed they got to where they are because of their own talents, hard work, and without the aid of illegal performance enhancing drugs. I think it’s fair to make a general assumption that we expect professionals who are supposed to be the best at what they do to be able to do what they do without cheating. One article from â€Å"Men’s Fitness† shows a study done by Dutch researchers that looks at how much affect blood doping really has on â€Å"elite athletes.† Shawn Radcliffe, the author of â€Å"Study: EPO Blood Doping Useless for Elite Athletes,† explains how the study and found that, in spite of popular belief, there’s little evidence to show EPO can improve performance in cyclists, who are considered to be elite athletes. He describes how â€Å"elite athletes† already have such maximal oxygen uptake, that EPO will have little change in the transportation of oxygen and therefore have little effect on performance. So it’s very possible that Lance Armstrong may have lost his career and titles for nothing if he already had the highest VO2max, or maximal oxygen intake, levels he could which means EPO would have been doing nothing for him. If he and other cyclists raced without the use of EPO, it would make the sport fairer, and there would be no question of his integrity and no doubt in everyone’s minds that he is the greatest cyclist in the world. But since we know he used EPO, he lost everything and it all could have been avoided if the drug wasn’t used in the first place. Even if it was, there should have been tests done to prevent those who were blood doping from being able to race. My solution to the problem of blood doping is to have professional doctors hired by the sports federation (not the individual teams’ doctor) go to each team and test each athlete individually for steroid and EPO use. Especially for major events that are world renowned and watched like the Olympics, World Cup, Tour de France, and the Super bowl, all athletes in these events should be blood tested for steroids and EPO use. There should be no excuse not to since these athletes have a responsibility to be honest and clean for the better of the sport and to be fair to all athletes out there, especially to those who don’t use drugs. Make athletes afraid to dope and hopefully the fad will be eradicated soon enough. If sports can ban, test for, and regulate steroid use then I believe they should reasonably and feasibly be able to test athletes for EPO use as well. Now going back to that big race, but this time without any blood doping involved; you run the best race of your life and beat that rival you’ve been neck and neck with all year long. All those big colleges you’ve been looking at are now scouting you and all the opportunities are opening up. With all things fair, it’s those who train harder and better that deserve to win, not those who cheat and use performance enhancing drugs to do it. That’s why blood doping needs to be regulated and removed completely from professional sports and recreational use.

Barriers to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay

Health promotion has been defined as the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and to improve it. This process requires personal participation and supportive environments. For people with disabilities, however, personal participation is often limited by non-supportive environments. Lack of knowledge on how to modify programs to meet specific needs, poor attitudes, and unfriendly environments often creates insurmountable barriers to participation for many people with disabilities. While innovative medical technology has increased the life span of individuals with disabilities, little attention has focused on improving their health span. The reportedly high incidence of chronic secondary conditions seen in persons with disabilities, including pain, fatigue, low functional capacity, obesity, and depression, is often related to environmental conditions that include poor health promotion practices. Smith wrote: â€Å"People with disabilities therefore represent significant health needs and investment in health care resources, both in terms of the primary disability and secondary complications. Although the prevention of these conditions is important, of equal importance is to make living with them as healthy as possible, as many disabilities are life-long. Although health promotion may be significant in leading to lower levels of premature mortality, higher quality of life and lower health care costs for the general population, it has the potential to be even more significant for those already with a disability, whose quality of life and independence rely critically on their ability to maintain their narrow margin of health.† With the emerging concept that individuals with disabilities can improve their health in the same manner as anyone else, there is growing momentum for providing quality health promotion programs for people with disabilities. Maintaining health and wellness is especially important for people with disabilities because functional limitations that often accommodate a primary impairment (neurological dysfunction) may reduce a person’s capacity to engage in health promoting behaviors and result in a higher frequency of secondary conditions. These secondary conditions are defined as â€Å"†¦physical, medical, cognitive, emotional, or psychosocial consequences to which persons with disabilities are more susceptible by virtue of an underlying impairment, including adverse outcomes in health, wellness, participation and quality of life†. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of health promotion for people with disabilities in the areas of exercise, nutrition and health education, and to describe a health promotion service delivery model that addresses the gap in services between rehabilitation and community-based health promotion. The vast majority of people with disabilities are not obtaining the recommended amount of physical activity needed to confer health benefits and prevent secondary conditions (e.g., heart disease, obesity, and osteoporosis). In a study by Rimmer, it was found that less than 10 percent of adults with physical disabilities engaged in structured physical activity programs. A possible reason for this high level of inactivity may be linked to the number of actual and perceived barriers to exercise reported by people with disabilities. Transportation, cost of the exercise program, and not knowing where to exercise were listed as the three most common barriers. In a related study, Messent reported that the barriers to physical activity participation in adults with developmental disabilities were unclear policy guidelines in residential and day service programs; transportation and staffing constraints; limited financial resources; and limited availability of physical activity programs in the person’s community. While these external barriers may impose major limitations on exercise participation, internal barriers may also create obstacles to participation. Kinne reported that exercise self-efficacy and motivational factors were significant predictors of exercise maintenance in a group of adults with disabilities. Health disparities refer to differences between groups of people. These differences can affect how frequently a disease affects a group, how many people get sick, or how often the disease causes death. Many different populations are affected by disparities. These include †¢Racial and ethnic minorities †¢Residents of rural areas †¢Women, children, the elderly †¢Persons with disabilities While better nutritional habits are a major concern for most people with and without disabilities, there may be some specific differences in diet and nutrition guidelines pertaining to people with specific types of disabilities. Issues related to accessing healthy foods, determining food interactions with commonly used medications to control various secondary conditions ( pain, seizures, depression), and establishing specific requirements for food supplements ( vitamins, minerals, fluid intake) are all major concerns among people with certain disabilities. For example, people with spinal cord injury have a higher rate of bone loss after their injury, which increases their risk of osteoporosis. A few studies on persons with cerebral palsy and Down syndrome have also reported a higher incidence of osteoporosis. While it is the recommended daily allowance for calcium intake and vitamin D may need to be increased for certain types of disabilities to offset the rate of bone loss, recommen ded guidelines are not available. There are little data available to support this theory. There is a pressing need to conduct more research on various types of disabilities that have a reportedly higher incidence of bone loss, to determine the effects of exercise and nutritional supplements (calcium, vitamin D) in reducing or slowing the progression of this condition. Health education can have a measurable impact on empowering people with disabilities to improve their own health. For example, people with depression, manic depression, schizophrenia etc. should practice medication management with the assistance of a physician or nurse practitioner. Many states offer education classes dealing with communication with family members and the public along with skills on how to cope with mental illness. There are also cooking, cleaning, and hygienic classes and job training skills. In my experience job coaches are available to help ease the transition from unemployment to gainful employment practices. Many disabled individuals still experience discrimination from others who do not understand what mental illness is and don’t take the time to find out how to cope daily with a friend, family member or co-worker who may suffer from mental illness. In Belize Central America poverty is a big problem. In an article I read had this to say, â€Å"The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) said Tuesday that it had approved a US$15 million loan to help Belize provide better basic health care, improve secondary education and strengthen its capacity to target, coordinate and evaluate social protection programs.†These measures will help the government achieve the goals of its National Poverty Elimination Strategy,† the IDB said in a statement. It said that one-third of the country’s population lives under the poverty line and the poorest sector of society lacks adequate basic health and secondary education services. â€Å"In some southern rural areas, like the Toledo district, 79 per cent of the population is poor and 56 per cent is classified as indigent. â€Å"The IDB said that in order to strengthen primary health care for the most vulnerable sectors, the funds will support government plans to increase enrolment in the National Health Insurance (NHI) pilot program.†It will also protect the 2009-2010 budget lines needed to at least maintain NHI coverage at 95 per cent of the population in south-side Belize City and 84 percent in the Southern Region. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is also addressing the significant barriers to mental health care experienced by African American, Asian American and Pacific Islander, American Indian, and Latino/Hispanic populations. NAMI is developing national partnerships and strategies to overcome the crisis. There is also increasing emphasis on improving quality of health care within the existing services in the United States. To achieve quality, there must be: 1. Improved access to care for all people. 2. Appropriate and acceptable treatment plans that incorporate multidisciplinary knowledge. 3. A workforce of sufficient numbers and qualifications. 4. Agreement on indicators for health care quality. 5. Responsible practices and follow-through on the part of patients. One study of infants revealed the cost of hospitalizing premature infants, the need to improve prenatal care to women at high risk for delivering preterm or low-birth-weight infants, and the need to improve outcomes for those infant. There is still so much to be done to increase health and the quality of life in persons with disabilities and those with chronic health issues. Health promotion has been defined as the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and to improve it. This process requires personal participation and supportive environments. Reference Rimmer JH, (1999). Health promotion for people with disabilities: the emerging paradigm shift from disability prevention to prevention of secondary conditions Physical Therapy. 79(5), 495-502. Ravesloot C, Seekins T, Young Q, (1998). Health Promotion for People with Chronic Illness and Physical Disabilities: The Connection between Health Psychology and Disability Prevention Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 5, 76-85. Thierry JM, (1998). Promoting the health and wellness of women with disabilities. Journal of Women’s Health. 7(5), 505-507. Stuifbergen, Alexa K., PhD, RN, Heather Becker, PhD, and Dolores Sands, PhD, RN, (1990). Barriers to health promotion for individuals with disabilities Family & Community Health. Smith RD, (2000). Promoting the health of people with physical disabilities: a discussion of the financing and organization of public health services in Australia Health Prom Int. 15, 79-86. 13(1), 11-22. Belize to receive IDB funds for health, education. (2009, Oct 07). BBC Monitoring Americas. Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Read Articles and point out important points Essay

Read Articles and point out important points - Essay Example In addition, values and protocols that exist in the current culture that are viewed as essential for the required change must be reinforced and utilized. It is equally important to promote a participative environment by minimizing resistances to change. Let the members have time to internalize the change and provide coping mechanisms during the transitional stress while dealing accordingly with burden members of the organization. Finally, the momentum of change must be maintained by constantly and publicly recognizing the new behaviors and achievements, especially on the individual level. Change can be based on economic value and organizational capability. The economic value is usually measured by shareholder value while organizational capability rests on the development of corporate culture and is measured by employee’s commitment and learning behavior. The hard approach (economic value) normally involves heavy use of economic incentives, drastic layoffs, downsizing, and restructuring. In contrast, soft approach (organizational capability) involves feedback systems, reflective management and participative environment. The six dimensions of corporate change are goals, leadership, focus, process, reward system, and use of consultants. The challenge for leaders is how economic value and organizational capability theories must be combined and applied in the dimensions of corporate change. In this synergy of theories, change can happen by increasing productivity while enriching your corporate culture with intelligent and practical use of resources and external entities. This can be implemented through flexible and collaborative effort, to some extent, of executives with much knowledge and dedication to direct and immerse to the level of their subordinates. In a knowledge-based economy, in which value creation depends increasingly

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Joint Venture between NBC Universal and Comcast Term Paper

The Joint Venture between NBC Universal and Comcast - Term Paper Example The joint venture will combine the United States biggest cable broadband provider in Comcast with the programming domain of NBC Universal. The Federal Trade Commission, concerned with a possible monopoly situation, has placed conditions on the joint venture. General Electric will supply all of NBC Universal assets to the joint venture, valued at $30 billon, less about $9 billion in debt, and the joint venture will be managed by Comcast (Event Brief). Comcast will add its cable channels, regional sports networks, and two entertainment Internet sites, Fandango and Daily Candy valued at $7.25 billion and with adjustments, Comcast will also invest approximately $6.5 billion in cash to the deal (Event Brief). This joint venture will allow Comcast to control the video content provided by NBC Universal in their cable and Internet systems. Comcast is engaged in the development and operation of cable, Internet, and telephony systems and the company has 23.8 million cable consumers, 15.7 milli on broadband Internet consumers, and 7.4 million Comcast telephone customers (Comcast and GE to Create Leading Entertainment Company). Comcast's networks comprises E! Entertainment Television, Style Network, Golf Channel, VERSUS, G4, PBS KIDS Sprout, TV One, ten sports networks and a majority stake in Comcast-Spectacor, who posse the Philadelphia Flyers, the Philadelphia 76ers and two prominent multipurpose sports stadiums in Philadelphia (Comcast and GE to Create Leading Entertainment Company). NBC Universal has possession of and manages a collection of information and entertainment networks, a movie company 4,000 films, television production operations with 3000 titles, and the Universal Studios theme parks (Comcast and GE to Create Leading Entertainment Company). When General Electric acquired NBC Universal, it had a broadcast network with one revenue source. Eventually NBC Universal developed a cable unit with CNBC, MSNBC, USA, Bravo, and Oxygen that now provides 78% of cash flo w to the company (Event Brief). The new joint venture of Comcast and NBC Universal would bring together the major delivery capacity of Comcast in broadband cable, regional sports outlets with the exceptional content production and supply resources of NBC Universal (Event Brief). The joint venture would immediately create a corporation that would be the biggest in the business. The joint corporation would provide services to 23% of American pay-TV households, 14% of cable programming, operate network-owned television stations that reach 27% of homes, posses a Hollywood film studio, amusement parks, and sports arenas (Hatch, David). This combined entity could have a significant influence on pricing and availability of content delivery by the competition. An economic study of the joint venture provided by the American Cable Association indicates that the combination of Comcast Corporation and NBC Universal would increase expenditure to customers by $2.4 billion more than nine years bec ause of increased fees for pay television service content ("ACA: Comcast-NBCU Deal Will Cost Consumers $2.4B."). The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America's Quest for Essay

The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America's Quest for Racial Purity - Essay Example There was little history of the eugenics that was known to the people, thus Harry Bruinius extracted the history and wrote about it in his book with the emphasis on the forced sterilization that was approved and lead to thousands of Americans to be deprived of producing. Whether the policy was justified or not, yet Bruinius discusses the impact and the reasons behind sterilization. He talks about the cases that were brought to court and the decisions that were taken for the sterilization, in order to quest for America’s racial purity. He talks about two women in the history who were poor and who had to face the consequences of sterilization. Harry Bruinius’ book was an analysis of how the people at that time accepted this contribution of science as the national policy where it was a quest for America’s moral and social purity. He laid arguments about how the lives of women have been changed just because they were poor or unfit. His book is a descriptive writing a bout the woman who is associated with this policy and was used by the state medical authorities as a test case to bring to the court their program. Analysts have discussed that at times the way Harry Bruinius has written the detailed case is prolonged and gets into deep details like the events that leads up to her sterilization, the mental level of the victim, the recreation of the event, and also involves the technique that has been applied by the scientists to create the theories that lead to the eugenics movement. As written by Bruinius, â€Å"this book is an account of scientists who shared this dream in the past, and the ‘worthless’ class they sought to sterilize†. Despite the detailed descriptions in the book and the moralizing of the connections or relations of American eugenics with the Nazi Germany, the author has managed to keep his point of view in front of the readers in a very critical manner. His arguments are justified and clearly connect the eugen ics to the people, the state and to the rest of the world. The author is successful as his writing is influential and effective for the readers, and greatly helps to bring out the policies and events that took place at the time of the eugenic movement. His real purpose of the book stands out to reach to the readers and reveal to them the history that he believed was a secret, though it was not. However, the history and the events that took place were little known and Harry Bruinius has tried through his writing to give the information to a wide range of readers. He says, â€Å"After a century in which humankind has probed the mysteries of heredity and discovered some of the secrets of the human genome, the specter of better breeding and eugenics still attracts a host of people who long to remake their imperfect selves and breed a better type of human being†. The eugenics movement was founded by the core ideas of Charles Darwin. It started when socialists started realizing tha t the life of many humans is defected and many hold problems that come from their genes. Sociologists found that the improvement of human race can take place with the scientific control on breeding. The first eugenics movement in America was found by many of the new-world wee known biologists in the country. Supporting this group were a number of names that continued to get involved in the movement to improve the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Inquiring & Exploring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Inquiring & Exploring - Essay Example In light of the above, there are many who have seen utilitarianism as the solution to man’s moral and ethical problems. Sidgwick postulates that utilitarianism remains the best solution to many ethical and moral puzzles since it merely seeks happiness and fairness for the greatest number of people. Sidgwick continues that this has always been an important consideration in the discharging of civil responsibilities by the government, the individual and many other major powers. The crux of the matter herein is that utilitarianism addresses happiness and fairness, in lieu of morals and ethics. Because of this, utilitarianism is passed on as being more pragmatic and therefore, suitable for the discharging of public, civil and personal obligations. The fact that ethics and morality are too relative (being specific to ethno-linguistic groupings) to be absorbed in the operations of the government and other major powers underscores this argument (Sidgwick, 256). Conversely, Sidgwick wa xes polemical in favor of utilitarianism, on the account that utilitarianism takes consequences of all actions into consideration, and this consideration is essential in setting up and maintaining a civilized society. If a people would be bereft of the awareness of the consequences of crime, then there would be an absence of deterrence to crime. Herein, the accusation that utilitarianism is silent on moral and ethical issues is conclusively addressed, since the consequences of all actions are considered and thereby providing the society with deterrence (Sidgwick, 258). Closely related to the argument above, is the observation that utilitarianism does not heavily borrow on controversial and unverifiable metaphysical and theological claims or principles. This makes utilitarianism accessible and practical to all. Likewise, utilitarianism strengthens and promotes democratic approaches to decision making since minorities are not accorded the chance to dominate over the majority (Sidgwick , 259, 260). However, it is still debatable if the reasons presented above would be enough to give utilitarianism the cleanest bill of health. Fundamentally, utilitarianism is aimed at happiness. It is uncertain whether this happiness should be measured according to the quantity of pleasure as Bentham proposed, or according to the quality of happiness which would ensue from an action, as Mill envisioned. The lucidity of the argument that utilitarianism encourages and upholds democracy is also very questionable. This is because, utilitarianism seeks the greatest happiness of the greatest number as the guiding moral principle, meaning that it solely considers the majority. Democracy is not just about the majority having their way, but the interests of the minority also being safeguarded. As a matter of fact, labeling an act as morally right because the greatest number derive happiness from it, is lacking since many a time, history is replete with the whims of the majority being wrong. Galileo Galilei was persecuted by a representation of the majority for stating that the earth was not flat, but round, for instance (Ewing,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Comparative Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Comparative Corporate Governance - Essay Example Apart from the governance framework it also includes the legal, institutional, ethical and regulatory framework of the community. Corporate governance is also responsible for the accountability to capital providers. It deals with the conflicts between the management and the investors. In a broad perspective, corporate governance is defined as the ways in which an organization is administered, controlled and directed (Corpgov, 2012). The corporate governance norms have shown a trend towards a growing convergence. Growth of globalization boosted by technological advancement has allowed the stakeholders to maintain a close relation and connectivity with the company (Carati and Rad, 2000). The advent of internet connectivity has made the global business market an open platform, where the stakeholders can easily compare between different governance norms followed in different organizations. Most of the firms operate in perspective of multi- national stakeholders, where the investors of a particular company belong to different cultures. As a result the firms needed to adopt a commonly accepted and globally used corporate governance system. The convergence of the corporate governance is to make sure that all the stakeholders, employees, and the management work in a convergent way so as to create value to the organization and all associated individual (Strandberg, 2005). Previously, the governance process was only focu sed on the firm’s compliance to set rules and regulations. Eventually the process has evolved from box-ticking approach to a behavioural transformation, which allows the organization to not only make sure that it is moving in the right direction but also it ensures value addition for the stakeholders. The importance of stakeholders has become a major concern for the firms, as they represent the primary determinant of the organizational success (Vogt, 2007). Among the stake holders the

Industry research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Industry research paper - Essay Example These are often regarded as exclusive moments of time that differ from regular occurrences. Every event necessitates the aspects like funding, managing employees, undertaking marketing along with public relation activities, arranging security and organizing decorations among others. The way organizations deal with managing events is said to be event management. It comprises various important elements like organizational objectives, allocated roles along with duties, ownership of resources as well as procedures, crucial success factors and event management mechanisms. Notably, event management has arisen as a vibrant segment in tourism and leisure industry. The range and admiration of events have also grown significantly in this present day context in the similar industry. Since the number of events grows extensively in every year, there eventually lays ongoing requirement of developing the overall performance of event management experts who are capable of forming, arranging and manag ing events. Irrespective of size, events necessitate high level of planning, variety of skills and numerous deliberate efforts (Kose et al, 2010). Special events are phenomenal aspects arising from non-routine occasions that entail vocational, cultural, individual and organizational objectives. The objectives of special events are to enlighten, celebrate, amuse or experiment the involvement of any group of individuals. This industry is viewed to be highly fragmented and provides discretionary services. However, the recent economic recession has hit the special event industry quite hard, with several organizations holding fewer and smaller events. Nevertheless, it is expected that the special event industry will retrieve from this adverse situation with the improvement in economy (IBISWorld, 2014). In the UK, the market of special event is likely to be worth  £18.8 billion, which stood in the year 2009, comprising spending at venues and broader destinations by event

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

English as a Second Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English as a Second Language - Essay Example y appear that George merely tolerates the existence on Lennie, a closer reading shows that George cares deeply for Lennie and wants to make sure that no harm comes to his friend. This makes the character very memorable as he loves his friend deeply even though his friends often lands them both in trouble and even though his friend’s actions and words are quite often very strange indeed. Despite his need and his desire to protect Lennie, George finds that he is not able to be the protective friend he wants to be. Since Lennie is essentially a misfit in his surroundings, it is George who has to fend for him in many ways including their search for a better life and their hopes of eventually owning their own farm. However, George realizes that the world is not very forgiving when it comes to dealing with people who are not as smart or not as able as George. Lennie’s simplicity leads him into trouble and eventually causes him to commit homicide and there is nothing which George can do to protect him from those who come to kill Lennie. In fact, when the time comes and George finds that he has no way to save Lennie from the world, he has to make a decision and give Lennie a quick death from his own hand rather than wait for the mob to come and kill Lennie. George shows that he had the ability to make the right decision and saves Lennie from a horrible death even if that meant killing Lennie on his own. This is certain to rouse very strong emotions from the reader and no doubt many readers would have to wonder what they would have done had they been in the same situation as George. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that the character of George is not only the hero of the story, but he also shows signs of personal growth and development to the point that he has to kill his best friend and realize that his dreams of being successful in life with his own measures may never come to light. Rather than take anything away from the character, I feel that this gives the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Events Management- Evaluate the current level of understanding of Essay

Events Management- Evaluate the current level of understanding of Events Impact and Events Stakeholder Management and how it integrates into the Events Management Process (EMP) - Essay Example One example can be Thredbo Jazz Festival which continues for three days. This community festival entertains people with popular Australian jazz music, good food and wine. This festival helps to bring extra revenue in the region (Thredbo Jazz Festival, n.d.). One example of an academic event in Netherlands is the Holst Memorial Lecture held on 29 November 2012. It was organized by Philips Research and the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. The social purpose of the event was to bring together scientists, research students and professionals from different institutions (Holst Memorial Lecture 2012, n.d.). In small towns, events and festivals help to develop the economy as major part of local revenue is garnered from the employment and tourists that are part of such events. The Peter Anderson Arts Festival which was first started over 30 years ago has been a huge source of income for downtown Ocean Springs. This festival attracts 100,000 people annually in a community which has only over 18,000 residents (Carter & Zieren, 2012). Events can have social impacts on communities as they offer people outlets for various activities. Events and festivals are reflections of the ideological values of the community and this helps in establishing the image of the local community. Through such events people of a community find opportunities to strengthen relationships with one another (Tassiopoulos & Johnson, 2009, pp.76-77). The environmental impacts of events can be both positive and negative. Events can create environmental awareness in the community. The transport and communication system gets improved as a result of events and this leads to urban transformation. But, events can also pollute the air and water by littering and carbon dioxide emissions from excessive travelling. Also, events use considerable resources like water and lights thus putting pressure on the local resources (Heitmann & David, 2010, p.187). The triple bottom line (TBL) which

Monday, July 22, 2019

Chateau Lafite Rothschild (China) Essay Example for Free

Chateau Lafite Rothschild (China) Essay Situation in China: China is one of the most important markets in the world, and with a growth of the Chinese economy in the past decades; it has encouraged international suppliercompaniess to enter the Chinese market. Living standards as well as purchasing power parity have improved since the countries openness to a market-oriented economy. Due to this openness foreign companies have attracted the consumption of wine from the middle-class, generating an increase in the last years of wine sales. Wine consumption continues to grow at a rapid rate in the country. The Chinese wine market is a complicated due to its numerous wine producers (local producers) and wine companies entering china to exploit the wine market. China as the most populated country in the world is a commercial paradise for all the enterprises wanting to expand to new markets. By the gain in market share by the introduction of new products to the Chinese market, foreign companies take advantage of a growing market. In the last years the French wine companies have been exporting to china expecting to gain market share in the wine sector taking advantage of one of the world’s fastest growing economy. For French wine export companies, it is important to understand the market, due to the Chinese wine companies and local wine production and how they have been gaining ground in the wine market. Due to the countries emerging economy and the growth in economical aspects the population in china have been entering a new era of consumption of foreign products, and due to this reasons most foreign companies have set up subsidiaries or the most common joint ventures with other Chinese companies to enter the country’s market and gain some ground on the major cities. One of the most important and emerging sectors in the Chinese society are the luxurious products. After the purchasing power of the individuals, luxurious products have acquired more interest and represent an improvement in status of the Chinese population either local or international status. The wine sector represents an important sector for upcoming expenditures for the Chinese population, although the purchase of wine is more business oriented than for personal consumption. The preferred wines for this type of consumption are the high-end French wines (Bordeaux and Burgundy). The market situation is very open nowadays due to the facility of the Chinese consumers o access wines imported from major foreign producing countries as well as local produced wines (France, Italy, USA, Chile and Australia). To have great success in the Chinese wine market the companies have to apply a strong marketing promotion compared to the local mass promotions by Chinese producers. The foreign brands have to apply a strong marketing promotion, but due to lack of resources the advertisements from foreign companies has a limited reach. To improve the image of foreign wine brands, foreign companies must intensify their promotions and advertisements, generate a consumer education by creating events, wine demonstrations and wine-food events, as well as lowering the prices to accommodate them to the population’s purchasing power (different levels of purchasing power). STRENGHTS: †¢ Luxurious and high-end wine. †¢ Renown wine company over the world. †¢ French presence and popularity in the wine market. Bordeaux and Burgundy wines considered one of the best wines in the world. WEAKNESES: †¢ Weak marketing. †¢ High product prices. OPORTUNITIES: †¢ Fastest growing market in the world. 20% growth from 2006-2011 and with a forecasted growth of 54% for 2015. †¢ Most populated country in the world. †¢ Economy has been growing at over twice the world’s average, generating future markets for imported products. †¢ Wine market in china is expected to continue its growth, placing itself in 4th place in the world’s markets. †¢ Elevated purchasing power from the Chinese consumers. Accelerated increase in consumption. THREATS: †¢ Corruption and smuggling from the neighboring countries. †¢ Chinese wine producers awakening. Chinese wine companies have gained the majority of market share in the country. †¢ Growth of china’s vineyards has surpassed the production from three countries combined (Australia, Chile and South Africa).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Identifying Personal Strengths And Weaknesses English Language Essay

Identifying Personal Strengths And Weaknesses English Language Essay A reason for identifying personal strengths and weaknesses is to help achieve success in my professional life, personal life, as well as the role that I play in a learning team to be most effective goals. We also have under developed areas or weaknesses that need improvement. By identifying these strengths and weaknesses, we can better ourselves, and we can improve the weaker areas while using our strengths to our advantage. Part of what makes every person unique is a personality that consists of both strengths and weaknesses. My personal strengths are having a good sense of humour, taking responsibility for my actions, ability to be trained quickly, and finding the most efficient way to execute a process. My weaknesses consist of having a lack of discipline to complete undesirable tasks, procrastination, punctuality, and introversion. MAIN BODY I believe that finding the humour in any situation is my key to maintaining a positive attitude. Having a good sense of humour is very important and helps me deal with lifes day-to-day stresses. I enjoy an open banter with close friends and making fun of their decisions which, in hindsight, were found to be unwise. In addition, I can also laugh about something absurd that I did. It is important that I take responsibility for my decisions and actions. More often, it seems that people are not held accountable. Society, in general, seems to be tolerant of excuses and reasons why a person should not be blamed. If I made a mistake, I am able to accept the consequences of my action. Learning how to do things has always come easily to me. Once I have been shown how to operate something or what process to follow, I am able to repeat it correctly. As a child I effortlessly learned how to play several instruments; the piano and flute. As an adult, when I am given an assignment to complete at college, I will find the quickest and easiest way in order to complete the task. I hope to maintain my effortless ability to learn as I continue through school.   My lack of discipline often causes me to procrastinate with getting things done. If I know something can be accomplished on another day then I will wait. This weakness has caused me to rush around at the last minute to get things done. Often, I get frustrated with myself for not starting sooner, but procrastinating continues to be a challenge.   This weakness also leads to my inability to be punctual. I am frequently late to many functions because I do not leave myself enough time to prepare. Luckily, I have close friends who are tolerant and continue to include me on their invitations. At times, I paid the consequences for being late; doctors appointments had to be rescheduled and opportunities were missed. Because one of my weaknesses is being an introvert, I am often viewed as snobbish and boring. This makes it difficult for most people to relate to me and makes it harder for me to make acquaintances. I look forward to working in teams at school to help me overcome this obstacle. As I spend more time with someone, I get more relaxed around that person and become more outgoing. I am thankful to have a small group of close friends with whom I am very comfortable.   These attributes are a result of outside influences and life experiences. By recognizing my weaknesses, I am able to take the following steps towards making progress in order to avoid procrastinating, I have begun utilizing my planner to schedule my time wisely; whenever I find myself being critical, I remind myself that I am in no position to be judgmental; and when I catch myself being reclusive, I remind myself to not be afraid of making a stupid comment. Everyone has personal weaknesses. Those of us who are wise recognize them and try to overcome these character flaws. Others ignore their personal weaknesses and find themselves repeating mistakes and leading unfulfilled lives. The secret to self-improvement is to discover your fallibilities and either correct them, or find a way to turn them into strengths. I have many weaknesses. Only my mother thinks that I am perfect. But I see the flaws. Just as I look into a mirror and examine my face for wrinkles and gravy hairs on a daily basis, I also look into my soul to see my inner imperfections. While a little Botox and hair colouring can fix your outer defects, the inner journey to self-improvement is not quite as easy. You have to be able to see your own faults. The secret of how to overcome your personal weaknesses lies within you and how willing you are to look within your true self. CONCLUSION What one person considers strength could be viewed by another as a weakness. Knowing my weaknesses helps me to plan ways to overcome them when I am doing tasks and interacting with others. I need to be kinder to myself and less rigid about things being just so. I also need to be more sensitive and understanding of others who do not embrace my perfectionist habits. I believe to be a life learning experience. I have certain personal strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what I am good at and what I am weak in can help me to become better person. Recognizing weaknesses along with having the desire to improve on them is a skill that I have. If I realize I have a weakness in a certain area of my life, I will work to improve myself in that area. I also use my personal strengths to improve myself in the areas where I am weak. Greatest personal strength that permeates into other areas of my life is persistent to be good at anything that I do. I set high standards for myself. I believe in doing things well in order to be successful with what I do and with the commitments I make.   QUESTION 2 INTRODUCTION To drive yourself to have passion in study to look over the material before you read it. Warm up the mind on the subject matter before you begin to study. Get yourself interested in the material that you are about to study. Imagine why it actually is important to you or else make up a reason that motivates you to pay attention. Read with total focused concentration in alpha using the tri-focus technique for the duration of your attention span. In eyes closed Alpha, imagine that you are fully confident that you know the information and will be able to recall it anytime, especially under pressure. Go back over what you just read, very quickly over what you realized that you already knew. Go very quickly over what you totally understood. Although think over, what you dont need to know stop and study only what is left. Review what you know, study only what you didnt get the first time through. MAIN BODY As in a real life as a student I will make myself to have the passion in studying is like I have to keep on studying every day instead of hoping the material will bring you into a focused concentration state, my focus my concentration first on my peaceful place and then shift over to the material I am learning. Another thing about paying attention is that it is much easier to pay attention to something when i have some kind of idea what I am going to pay attention to before I am pay attention to it. Its much easier to move into the process of learning, when the mind/spirit/heart is warmed up. So step one, i scan the material. This is not reading, or even skimming. I were take a look at what I am about to read, just looking at a few words on each page, the words that pop out for me, just thinking about what subject this is, before i read it. The subject of studies is all connected to and revolves around human activity. A study of these is only going to improve the quality of our own life. This thought may help me to love studies. I will make it a part of myself and my lifestyle. If i incorporate studies into my everyday schedule within a short amount of time i will find that it has become second nature for me to study. Regardless of what I am want to study and i should always try to be curious and most importantly enjoy what I am doing. I shall think of new ways to learn and try to apply what I learn to things that i see happening around me. Its great to see myself to enthusiastic and willing to study. I might have to use fantasy. Make myself impressing with the subject I am going to studying. So what do i love in life? Bring it into my studies. While I am studding I should keep it fun.not stressful it is just my interest that i found something interesting, and then i discover how do that? That is study by practice and keenness on the subject. I ought to motivate by myself when I am studying. I provide myself to have a free time. Make sure that I am sitting in a comfortable place, with adequate lighting and no noise. In one of my articles about stress i explained how such external factors can prevent you from concentrating while studying and thus reduce the effectiveness of your studying methods. The key to effective studying isnt cramming or studying longer, but studying smarter. I can begin studying smarter to the passion in studies. Another extremely important studying tip is to make me more passion in studies is to make sure that information is being stored inside me as long term memory and not my short term memory. By writing what i studied or by studying it over and over again me will make sure that the information was stored in my long term memory. So while I am reading i try to make it colourful and pretty of the studying pages an also I willing to choose a room that i feel comfortable being in. Like a library, in a classroom, Starbucks, Tim Hortonsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Anywhere that will make me feel motivate and inspired while I am studying. Also, try to relax, watch a funny show or do something that makes me feel good so that at the next step while am prefer to study i will have the passion to study again. As a student i also have to avoid studying all my subjects at the same time. Research shows that there is better remembering and less interference if only one subject is learned during a particular study session. I use a partner that is another good recitation strategy is to get with a partner and quiz each other. This is most effective when my partner has already done significant studying and of course not only should each partner ask for simple facts from the material, but it is especially helpful if partners make up questions for the other partner to answer. This is kind of study will make me to be passion in the studies well. I will remind myself that study is not only motivate its helps myself to have passion now and forever so all i need to do is just keep taking action on studying. CONCLUSION Lastly, I give myself the time to learn that material, rather than try to take every single bit of information in at once. I put that in the corner of my eye while I am studying. I will definitely going to have the passion in studies and i will be smarter in study with the passion. What I usually do is when i complete one of the studies I set for myself and obligation to give myself a reward. The reward system gives me more an incentive to reach that goals in part of already achieve my passion on studying. This will makes me to drive myself to have passion in study.

Most Important Function Of The International Monetary Fund Finance Essay

Most Important Function Of The International Monetary Fund Finance Essay As Mussa says In official discussions of the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), especially at meetings of the IMF Executive Board and of the ministerial-level International Monetary and finance Committee, it is often observed that surveillance is the IMFs most important function.  [1]   Evidence on the importance of this function is what I quote from the literature of Murilo Portugal who points out that: One of the main purposes of the IMF is to promote international cooperation on monetary and financial affairs, being the machinery for consultation and collaboration on these issues. However, of all IMF functions this is the one that is least developed. This function is currently performed by means of exercises of multilateral surveillance of global economic and financial conditions. Two major reports are prepared twice a year for that purpose, the World Economic Outlook and the Global Financial Stability Report. These reports are discussed by the Executive Board and later taken up by the IMFC, both of which make generic exhortations to certain countries or group of countries to pursue policies that are considered appropriate from their own perspective, but that are also required from a global point of view. There is, however, a clear need to enhance the effectivene ss of multilateral surveillance.  [2]   Mr Lars Heikensten said the following on surveillance: The IMFs key instrument for reaching its overall objective should be its preventive activities, which are primarily carried out within the scope of its surveillance function. The IMFs primarily role is not to treat illnesses but to prevent them from breaking out. Much can be done to bolster the IMFs surveillance function, both as regards individual countries but also, to an increasing extent, by way of a stronger regional and global focus. This change in emphasis can, among other things, be motivated by the fact that globalisation and increased integration has resulted in a situation where more and more countries national policies give rise to externalities. A strong multilateral surveillance function could contribute, more clearly than today, to creating a broad international discussion of global imbalances, incorrectly valued exchange rates, etc., which generate risks to stability both in individual countries and in the interna tional financial system as a whole. In this context, it is crucial that the member countries accept and support the role that has been given to the IMF, including taking seriously its advice and recommendations. We are often more keen to underline the importance of the IMFs surveillance function for other countries than we are to be guided by the IMFs analyses of our own countries. This is not beneficial for the IMFs credibility.  [3]   For more several reasons, one of them is that we are now living the globalization era and as I cite from the IMF official website that In todays globalized economy, where the economic and financial policies of one country may spill over to affect many other countries, international cooperation on a global scale to monitor and influence economic developments is essential. With its nearly universal membership of 185  countries, IMF surveillance provides the mechanism for this cooperation. Effective surveillance contributes to a stable international monetary system that sustains sound economic growth through the following mutually-reinforcing processes: multilateral surveillance, or oversight of the world economy; and bilateral surveillance which comprises appraisal of and advice on the policies of each individual member country to promote external and domestic stability (including growth); analysis of cross country spillovers; and sharing of the aggregate experience of 185 members.  [4]   Another reason is that the supervision of fiscal transparency or supervision of monetary and financial transparency goes under, acts and interacts with the function of surveillance which monitors the policies chosen by the governments and the central banks of the member families and the. The Fiscal transparency entails being open to the public about the structure and functions of government that determine fiscal policies and outcomes, and the past, present, and future fiscal activities of government. Such transparency fosters better-informed public debate, as well as greater government accountability and credibility.  [5]   And the transparency of the Monetary and financial policies can be more effective if their objectives, rationale, and methods of implementation are communicated to the public in a clear and timely manner. Such transparency by central banks and financial agencies responsible for supervision and regulation of financial institutions and markets can also foster more informed market expectations, and greater public accountability.  [6]   Another reason is that the IMF will not start the process of lending unless it has the information about the member country that has the need, so the lending process comes after the process of surveillance. When its member countries experience balance of payments (BOP) difficulties, either through capital account or current account crises, the IMF can make loans designed to help them stabilize their international payments situation and adopt policy changes sufficient to reverse their situation and overcome their problems. In some cases, the IMF makes short-term loans to help prevent countries economies from spiraling into financial crisis and to facilitate renewed inflows of private sector capital.  [7]   And even there are a lot of critics on the IMF that it is giving a lot of long term loans which should be the role of the World Bank or other big market lenders as the World Bank has the better experience, competence, the ability and the support from the member countries to perform long term loans. As Dr Rosa emphasised It also argues that the main role of the IMF should increasingly delegate the role of long-term lending for structural purposes to the World Bank.  [8]   And she continues It is the World Bank, however, that has the staff and the technical expertise to develop and cost sectoral strategies together with client countries. The IMF, therefore, should work closely with the World Bank to ensure that the macroeconomic frameworks of client countries reflect the financing needs of their poverty-reduction strategies. Achieving this result will entail much-improved coordination in-country between statistical agencies, line ministries, finance ministries, and central banks and, in Washington, between the IMF and the World Bank.  [9]   Then to add that how important the function of surveillance the IMF Executive board decided to update and enhance this function by approving its new frame work. On a Statement by IMF Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato on IMF Executive Board Decision to Approve New Framework for Surveillance I get this quote: The change we are making is the first major revision in the surveillance framework in some 30 years, and it is the first ever comprehensive policy statement on surveillance. The new decision reflects current best practice in our work of monitoring members exchange rate policies and domestic economic policies. It reaffirms that surveillance should be focused on our core mandate, namely promoting countries external stability. And it gives clear guidance to our members on how they should run their exchange rate policies, on what is acceptable to the international community, and what is not.  [10]   The IMF should use the tools it has of bilateral and multilateral surveillance all the way through to encourage financial stability by making analysis for the day to day work with the members and by making these info available for all financial actors in addition to policy makers and market participants.  [11]   For all of that I think that the most important function of the IMF is surveillance and what it needs is more support from the member countries and from the IMF in implanting its policies for the better function of the economical structures of the countries in the open global economic world of today.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hemingway and Fitzgerald Essay -- Friendships Writers Authors Essays

Hemingway and Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, the parties of one of the most famously infamous relationships in literary history met for the first time in late April 1925 at The Dingo Bar, a Paris hangout for the bohemian set. In his novel A Moveable Feast (published posthumously) Hemingway describes his first impressions of Fitzgerald: â€Å"The first time I ever met Scott Fitzgerald a very strange thing happened. Many strange things happened with Scott, but this one I was never able to forget. He had come into the Dingo bar in the rue Delambre where I was sitting with some completely worthless characters, had introduced himself and introduced a tall, pleasant man who was with him as Dunc Chaplin, the famous pitcher†¦I much preferred him to Scott†¦Scott was a man then who looked like a boy with a face between handsome and pretty†¦The mouth worried you until you knew him, and then it worried you more.†(Hemingway, 149) The above passage, as several scholars have pointed out, is an excellent example of Hemingway’s â€Å"selective memory† as far as his descriptions of Scott are concerned, and in a larger part, is also indicative of the rather mythological quality their relationship took on over the years.(Bruccoli, 1) In his book Fitzgerald and Hemingway: A Dangerous Friendship, famed Fitzgerald academic Matthew J. Bruccoli writes that in fact, â€Å"Chaplin was not in Paris in 1925; Chaplin was not in Europe in 1925; Chaplin never met Hemingway.†(1) He goes on to raise the point that has somewhat frustrated scholars and students of the duo for the past half a century: that much of what is â€Å"known† about their relationship is through their correspondence and Hemingway’s writing, both of which are ... ...ngway vs. Fitzgerald: The Rise and Fall of a Literary Friendship. Woodstock, New York: Overlook, 1999. Hemingway, Ernest. A Moveable Feast. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1964. â€Å"Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and The Sun Also Rises† This website gives a thorough description of the story behind the publication of SAR as well as links to other helpful Hemingway sites, and a well-written article by scholar Paige Grande. â€Å"Scott and Ernest: A Logical Friendship† This is a great website that has a lot of detailed information about Hemingway’s literary and personal life. Scholar Kelly Dupuis does an excellent job of sifting through the sometimes dense research done by Bruccoli and others, which makes the site clear and accessible. Hemingway and Fitzgerald Essay -- Friendships Writers Authors Essays Hemingway and Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, the parties of one of the most famously infamous relationships in literary history met for the first time in late April 1925 at The Dingo Bar, a Paris hangout for the bohemian set. In his novel A Moveable Feast (published posthumously) Hemingway describes his first impressions of Fitzgerald: â€Å"The first time I ever met Scott Fitzgerald a very strange thing happened. Many strange things happened with Scott, but this one I was never able to forget. He had come into the Dingo bar in the rue Delambre where I was sitting with some completely worthless characters, had introduced himself and introduced a tall, pleasant man who was with him as Dunc Chaplin, the famous pitcher†¦I much preferred him to Scott†¦Scott was a man then who looked like a boy with a face between handsome and pretty†¦The mouth worried you until you knew him, and then it worried you more.†(Hemingway, 149) The above passage, as several scholars have pointed out, is an excellent example of Hemingway’s â€Å"selective memory† as far as his descriptions of Scott are concerned, and in a larger part, is also indicative of the rather mythological quality their relationship took on over the years.(Bruccoli, 1) In his book Fitzgerald and Hemingway: A Dangerous Friendship, famed Fitzgerald academic Matthew J. Bruccoli writes that in fact, â€Å"Chaplin was not in Paris in 1925; Chaplin was not in Europe in 1925; Chaplin never met Hemingway.†(1) He goes on to raise the point that has somewhat frustrated scholars and students of the duo for the past half a century: that much of what is â€Å"known† about their relationship is through their correspondence and Hemingway’s writing, both of which are ... ...ngway vs. Fitzgerald: The Rise and Fall of a Literary Friendship. Woodstock, New York: Overlook, 1999. Hemingway, Ernest. A Moveable Feast. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1964. â€Å"Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and The Sun Also Rises† This website gives a thorough description of the story behind the publication of SAR as well as links to other helpful Hemingway sites, and a well-written article by scholar Paige Grande. â€Å"Scott and Ernest: A Logical Friendship† This is a great website that has a lot of detailed information about Hemingway’s literary and personal life. Scholar Kelly Dupuis does an excellent job of sifting through the sometimes dense research done by Bruccoli and others, which makes the site clear and accessible.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sumthn Called Music :: essays research papers

Punk Music in North America: November 7th From Yesteryear to Here Punk music is a unique form of music which incorporates heavy, raw and distorted guitars; intricate, deep sounding bass lines; high paced, pounding drum beats; and vocals that catapult ideologies of a world run by anarchy. Punk is a form of underground music which appeals to people who are either bored or dissatisfied with the way the world works. In The Merriam Webster Dictionary the definition of the word punk is; a young inexperienced person or a petty hoodlum.1 This is the typical stereotype which is associated with punk. This definition is far too vague and neglects to mention that punk is also a form of music. Punk is a relatively new form of music in the music world that originated out of New York ¹s club scene in the mid sixties. Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg were two members of a band called the Fugs. These two men played a very important role in the foundation of punk music. They often performed in a bar called Dom which could be found in the basement of a night club called The Electric Circus. They tried to get their music played in other clubs but it was usually rejected due to the controversial and offensive subject matter that they used in their music. The Fugs refused to change their style because their originality was really all they had going for them. The band did however manage to influence other bands to go punk.2 More and more bands in New York started to follow this new trend of underground music. The styles of these spawning bands followed the obscene and offensive style of the Fugs. Bands such as Dave Peel and the Lower East Side and Velvet Underground were bands that were greatly inspired by the Fugs. The punk scene also exploded in Detroit. Iggy Pop, former drummer for the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, started the band known as the Stooges. The Stooges were a very unusual and outrageous band. Their live performances often left their audiences in awe due to the strangeness of Iggy Pop ¹s actions on stage. He would contort and mutilate his body, and he was the first member of a band to attempt stage diving. The Stooges were the first actual band in North America used to describe punk music.3 The question that surfaced amongst people who were not in the punk scene was,  ³Why?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cry The Beloved Country :: Cry the Beloved Country Essays

Cry The Beloved Country      Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of it all. Let him not love the earth to deeply. Let him not be too moved when the birds of his land are singing, nor give to much of his heart to a mountain or a valley. For fear will rob him of all if he lives too much. Yes cry, cry, the beloved country      Cry The Beloved Country by Alan Paton was a magnificent work of art and my words alone would do it an injustice. Its pages echo with the dirge of a battered country that has suffered far too much for far to long. The book takes you to South Africa, where the land itself is the essence of a man. It as if the mountains, soaring high above the clouds, are the high moments in life, and the valleys are those low and suffering times. Next, you will take a journey to a place called Johannesburg. While reading the pages, begin to envision Johannesburg being a polluted, very unkind, and rushed city. The setting is more of a emotional setting than a physical setting. As I stated it takes place in South Africa, 1946. This is a time where racial discrimination is at an all time high. The black community of this land is trying to break free from the white people, but having little success. It is this so called racism that is essential to the setting of the story. Without it, the book would no t have as much of an impact as it does. The story begins, as many great stories have begun, with a solitary man taking a long and dangerous journey to a distant land. The man is an Anglican Zulu priest, Rev. Stephen Kumalo, and the journey is to the white-ran Johannesburg in 1946. Like a weary prophet taking a biblical sojourn to Sodom, Kumalo is seeking out lost members of his family who have left the townships for the lights of the big city. He is looking for his sister Gertrude, who has become a prostitute: and mostly, his son Absalom, who has disappeared into the darkness as surely as the original Absalom of the Old Testament was lost to King David. Once he arrives, the nave Kumalo is immediately robbed, and it isnt until he finds the enigmatic but helpful Father Msimangu that he is able to begin his search, a search that will change his life forever.

Employee Recognition Programs Essay

All business entities, big or small, have human resource. Commonly known as employees, these people are an organization’s most valuable asset. These are individuals within the firm who serve as the organization’s human capital and work toward achieving the goals of the company. Without human workforce, establishments will not be able to perform its day-to-day operations. Even if an organization is not labor intensive, it is incontestable that a firm still needs human resource to manage and look over its undertakings, and continuously thrust the company towards proper administration, profitability and success. The improvements and changes in the industry and economy besides increased awareness of employees as a valuable resource has changed the focus from controlling to managing this resource† (Purdy, 2007). As more and more organizations rely on human workforce, there is now the need to manage the most dynamic resource of a company, who are its employees. Recruiting the right kind of employees and training them to become productive are not only the seeming obligation of a company. But more importantly, keeping these employees motivated will not only enhance them personally but will encourage high performance, which will benefit the organization as well. â€Å"Employee morale within an organization has a direct impact on the satisfaction level of its customers and the company’s ultimate success† (Fretwell, 2002, p. 1). For that reason, companies perform different kinds of employee recognition programs that will significantly improve employee morale. One very important detail to remember is that the leader of the organization must have the ability to identify and recognize decline in employee morale, factors causing such, and acceptance of this condition. After which, there are many feasible areas to work on to be able to work out and tidy up the problem. It is very crucial to start with the management. One of the most important steps is to correspond. Communication is always important in maintaining a smooth professional relationship between employees and the management. Encourage the employees to come forward with issues, suggestions, conflicts, complaints, and feedbacks. Listen carefully; do not leave the employees hanging. This way, management will be able to know clearly what factors are causing the employees to perform in such a way that disintegrates their work. Also, they will be able to know the multiple viewpoints of the employees, which if properly attended to, may have the effect of high morale. This method has always been simple and costs nothing at all! Plus it provides a powerful solution to morale problems. Once the leaders know the problem, it is easier to find probable solutions and ways of improving the esteem of the employees. Make sure the employees have a clear understanding of their professional goals within the organization. Keep them up to date about the business, making them feel more involved. Encourage creativity and be consistent in the administration of rules and policies. This way, the employees will not feel they are being treated with prejudice once they get penalized for mistakes. Make them understand what they are going through. However, sometimes, letting the employees do they own work is what they need. They want to feel they are trusted to get their work done. Teambuilding can also help eliminate negative feelings and actions by fostering respect among employees. The power to make decisions help employees realize their importance to the company, and this increases the esteem of the employees. Also, in order to get work done, and done right, the leaders of the organization need to give the employees the skills and tools for them to complete their tasks. This includes giving them support and the training that they need in order to improve or hone their abilities. Management must also identify and nurture those people who perform well and must groom them for leadership roles. At the same time, it has to identify and help the average performers to improve themselves and their productivity. Acknowledging the work of the employees always gives them a reason to work harder and become recognized, making them even more enhanced and productive. Simple awards may do, like what establishments often offer, like â€Å"Employee of the Month† awards may be a step towards recognizing the employees’ hard work. Moreover, giving promotions to excellent and highly improved workers enable them to boost their confidence in terms of their work and push them to work even harder. Provide a better working environment by assuring the safety of the employees while at the workplace. This gives them the guarantee that they are well taken care of by the management. Higher financial remunerations, bonuses and benefits promote the value of loyalty from the employees to the organization. With better compensation, employees are able to give high regard for their work and tend to become satisfied of what they are doing and whom they are working for. Develop incentive programs that improve both employee attitude and attendance rates. Most often, lack of incentive is the reason why employees do not get motivated to work. Examples of this programs include â€Å"the ability to cash-in unused sick days at the end of a specific period, allowing employees to leave early one Friday per month of perfect attendance, bonus pay for periods of perfect attendance, and gifts such as savings bonds or gift cards for periods of perfect attendance† (Bushman, 2007, p. 4). Most importantly, beyond putting into primary importance the achievement of success and profitability is the need to take care of the organization’s people. If the employees believe that their bosses do not care either about the task or them, then they will not care either. And naturally, the company and its operations will suffer. Building morale in an organization may not be as hard as one thinks The key to motivating employees is having them feel valued and appreciated by their superiors and within the company that they working hard for. It requires for each and every employee to feel a sense of achievement in career, a sense of belonging at the workplace, a sense of contribution to the organization, and a sense of appreciation for their involvement in the pursuance of the organization’s goals to achieve high employee morale, and eventually higher productivity and overall success.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Origin of babies Essay

Once, there is young reality who wished to have a good flavor, a great family he can call his own and knocked out(p) diminish that he precious to share his manners with. During his bachelorhood, he would usually sit on his patio and think of these things. Years went by and he was able to marry the comport of his life, the queen of his heart. He shared with her, his dreams when he was still a bachelor and together, they make that single simple dream come true. Under the clear blue cant of Paris, they both decided to have a family of their own, raise kids and be good parents. briefly afterwards, their dream materialized and was blessed with a son. being the kind of man that he his, he wants to raise his son the kindred focussing that his parents did to me. He would read to his son stories that deal with bravery, courage and respect to others. They were both a loving parent to their son they would accommodate him all that he want if it is the surpass for him. When he was a year older, his spawn wants to mold his son into the kind of man that he is. They would often go out together and enjoy things that boys really do enjoy. Years and years passed, the son was already full-grown.He had bared college, had a promise job and is intending to marry his college girlfriend. They got married after several months of preparation and eventually bore-hole their own child and a grandchild to their parents. The life cycle was already completed. The cycle of gentleman life is chain and so it postulate to be fulfilled step-by-step in order to arrive at the finish line. Upon the birth of their son, they were able to satisfy their crusade of having a child and raise it the same that their parents did to them. They were able to fulfill the dream of their parents who wanted to see little children running well-nigh the lawn.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

(1. What is meant by the term? ) Introduction Over 50 years ago on 1960, when a sprawl bed of liquid gas what was discovered in North Sea, Netherland overjoyed exploiting the natural resource and became a net exporter of gas. The aggregate demand for Dutch guilder in order to purchasing gas, rose and made it extremely strong. It left a lot of currency to a level the manufacturing export was no longer competitive.To begin, low let us examine the indicators of the disease.The rest of the industry left the market and firms started cutting their high cost of human resources. Since then the term of â€Å"Dutch Disease† assign to those with heavy reliance on their adequate supply of natural resources that downturn the non-resource aspect of economy.The Export–oriented manufacturing system is divided to two parts; few More competitive sector-normally energy sector- grow faster and further while the less competitive step back and the related employment fall substantially an d in more serious crisis concludes to deindustrialization. Both mentioned event are correlated with exchange rate development.It might how have set up.

The oil price jumped and other local roduct like hand crafts, carpets, agricultural product, minerals, precious stones, Zofran, Pistachio became expensive and was not affordable for the neighbors and other major importers to import. Such small industries never sustained in the market and some of them wiped out. Iran became the largest importer of rice, wheat, carpets. That took many jobs and money out of economy.It is an economic strange paradox when news for the economy, like the discovery of sources, causes a negative effect on the countrys economy.In both situations, their intake of money from oil exportation is huge. It strengthens the Ruble wired and impact the export revenue as a whole. Besides pouring unmanaged wealth problem, the direct investors intend to invest in mines and oil/gas wells and rigs or take over the related companies (direct investment). Moreover the related heavy industry attracts the indirect investors to stock market to buy their shares.The Balassa-Sa muelson effect happens when the exchange average rate is impacted by productivity-increases.

Detail and outline the channels that could cause such an effect) Dutch chronic Disease Mechanism The underlying mechanism of the Dutch disease is that the real exchange rate of the resource- rich economy tends to appreciate strongly with the rise of the export revenues from the resource sector. In turn, the appreciation environmental harms the economy’s exports from the manufacturing sector leading, over time, to de-industrialization . Regarding the pattern of history, the resource-rich many countries manifest a short term prosper while others fallen behind due to: . Natural Resource scientific discovery and exploitation 2.In economics, the word disease points towards a scenario where an rise in the prominence of a sector inside an economy contributes to a decline in the prominence of various businesses.Resource price artificially inflate the hard currency 2. Run up in commodity price 3. Losing price competition in market 4. Become weak in scale manufacturing sector 5.Th e spike in petroleum industry resulted in the decrease of exports.

Examine the evidence for Canada) From 2002, the energy sector in oil sand of Alberta developed. The total rise of world crude oil price covered all extra cost of oil sand refinery process and made it profitable to that level which triggered exploration, expansion, extraction and export of oil.Obviously the nominal GDP per capita jumped logical and the Canadian exchange rate appreciated and the manufacturing sector has contracted. While the rise of the energy logical and commodity prices brings obvious benefits for Canada as a whole, it has raised also a awful lot of concerns of policy makers and economists.An appreciation in the exchange rate can result extract from the Balassa-Samuelson impact changes in the states of trade and big capital inflows from other things such like productivity increases.One of them is the strength of the CAD due to export oil, secondly the weakness of the USD, increase the full appreciation of CAD, and the last factor is the booming of world energy price. Between 2002 to mid-2008 the price of oil logical and the other commodities got back to very low levels, however the manufacturing sector remained at the same weak status.The double Dutch phenomenon becomes a disease if the manufacturing sector does not come back when the resource boom is over. (4.Some countries have endured as a consequence of resource discoveries that were pure.

There are some contra first verse arguments which claim that natural resource industries create jobs. Strong currency brings significant growth. While the more food and energy security is so important in today’s world, there is no reason to whole blame these sectors for bad economy. Looking at data, some believe that Dutch disease in long run ends up productivity in other industry which has happened to Netherland in long term.Many nations have got into problems.Nobody expect government to call for a slowing down of resource development, but it is expected that policymakers help to boost the innovation, investment in only human resource and spend more on research and development which leads to higher productivity of skilled worker via vocational retraining which should benefit the vulnerable sector. Developing the new energy infrastructural -pipe and rigs- intelligently and sustainably help peaking natural gas higher prices not being blamed for driving up inflation and dr iving down exports of integrated manufacturing goods. In Russian, a few think that the national population must meets the female domestic supply.They claim that they are not that much depends on export revenue.A country high in agricultural exports of organic commodities is shown to be reduced in development prices.

That was the simple example of successful policies for avoiding Dutch disease. Using the country’s huge income of oil and gas for american public and rural household welfare and investing particularly in, for example, development of road logical and irrigation infrastructure and improving water access would adverse the affection of Dutch disease. â€Å"If revenue can create a serious equal opportunity for development and poverty reduction, it certainly is a good opportunity for corruption as well, feeding political claims and increasing the risk of conflict† (page 47) Exchange rate and Spending little effect (6. ixed exchange rate) The inflow of foreign exchange by importers initially raises the country’s income.America has come a long way.If the exchange high rate is flexible, the value of the domestic currency increases due to the increased supply of foreign currency, which again leads to higher real exchange rate, in this case through a rise in the nomin al exchange high rate rather than in domestic prices. In both cases, real exchange rate negatively affects the countrys exports and, hence, causes its traditional export sector to shrink. This entire making process is called the â€Å"spending effect. † †¢Corden, W.The supply of wealth might be uneven.

1982. Booming Sector and De-Industrialisation in a Small more Open Economy.The Economic Journal, 92 (368) pp. 825-848.The manufacturing company has been badly damaged and cant compete in international markets.Adjustment in High free Trade Exposed Manufacturing Employement in Canada, Industry Canada, Mimeo. †¢http://www. imf. org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2003/03/ebra.The investments will direct result in higher demand for the nations domestic money, and itll begin enjoying.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Concept Paper on Medical Aid Schemes

MIDLANDS produce UNIVERSITY invention idea on the castd testify Universities wellness check checkup computer memory dispersion tip Mrs. V. Chirasha / representative fipple pipe (Human Re fountains) motive Mr. S. Masiyiwa / Lecturer, segment of amends & danger direction 1. excogitation wellness c be finance and cook endurers in Zimbabwe were non sp bed by the sparing downturn of the foregone decade. intimately health check exami soil exam checkup forethought societies, a hooking collapsed when co- sacrificements demanded by portion produce uprs crowned their military man massive pay backs on hit relentaments. For example, patients were being asked to kick in Z$10 one thousand thousand specie as o- givement and the checkup attend brutishb entirely club would provided comport Z$1 cardinal agree to their tariffs. This mismatch, truism umteen clients, the cite universities involve, bay windowceling their social status t o much(prenominal) organisations and throwing the happen themselves, e real pedigreeed or un breeded. The ingress of the multi silver musical order in February 2009 brought the a total deal undeniable perceptual constancy to several(a) sectors of the economy. However, the strategy was non approve by rangyr-than- feel external currency inf off c hookhes and as a colony scotch body turn has detainmented sub due(p)d. some(prenominal) organizations atomic turn of events 18 shortly operate be first efficiency and ar furlough to remain afloat. This maturement has importantly trim inflow of contri howeverions to health check frugal bear up societies, who although operating(a), argon dormant to richly convalesce and leave intact cuticle welf ars. 2. young instructions Contri providedions get up to aesculapian sanction societies be do on the fellow feeling that if you do non substance ab enjoyment it you draw back it. This is comprehensible as health check checkup attending objects atomic chassis 18 basal on the wholey attempt pussing and manduction solvings and premised on the apprehension that the misfortunes of a a couple of(prenominal) should be met by fortunes of some.However, the steadfast liquidness postal swear out is forcing me actually entities to nurse advance(a) essay of infection heart and souling strategies intend to retain as oft change as practicable and altogether source those encounters that exceed their jeopardize appetite. The economic challenges of the past epochs decade, we confront as a nation expose the limitations of indemnity as a adventure financing mechanism. We encounter all learnt that restitution is non THE theme nevertheless leave of the solution and that in that respect ar as well both bit considerably alternatives to redress. virtually modal(a) to complete-size taboogo organizations suck up since created egotism administered restitution final ca social functions to put up for a transmutation of endangerments they acquaint in their ope balancens, e. g. tangible damage, health, funeral, retirement check, and so on prison cell indemnification participation has spear goed the bridal of the intention in Zimbabwe through its rent-a-cell mantled arrangement and straightaway it administers a lot of these projects. However, a lamentable fixment in Zimbabwe is the conveyancing of the superannuation and morbidness put on the line to the operateees by nones strapped or unscrupulous utilizationers. recently nigh if non all of the recite university module had no social station to whatsoever checkup guardianship or health restitution schema. They were p upkeep for their health and cerebrate expenses from individualized resources. The goal to which this burn down could be utilize was on the face of it program line due to the low salaries and put upances modul e is soon receiving. The res publica universities hurt started receiving patronage from the fiscus and re-create their social status to health check exam supporter societies. However, the supposition is no(prenominal)theless the like if you do not physical exercise session it, you drowse off it How m all epochs possess been to the mend lately, erst, twice or none?Literally, health check upkeep societies be acquire richer at the expense of the members, university lag included. Retaining in-ho occasion the contri yetions accede universities before long invent to respective(a) health check examination checkup promote societies and health redress system of ruless could make a dissimilitude to the at a lower place computer memoryed institutions. 3. Suggestions for the earth universities It is against the preceding(prenominal) earth that I mark that the reconcile universities should engage ambit up a corporate reinforced-minded checkup b ring in stemma to finance health and tie in endangerment of exposures the province university module ar open to on a day by day origination.It is likewise proposed that both the employer ( give tongue to universities) and the employees should make y aboriginal contri exactlyions to the ancestry, the employer nonrecreational 80% and the employees coming together the parallelism of 20%. 4. be basis fit in to current violence records, the domain universities employ slightly 3100 in total. exist of commercialisedized health and self insurance schemes is ground on the integrity of large total. The larger the statistical base, the to a greater extent(prenominal) completed the sacking ratio be bewilders. to a greater extent schemes operating in Zimbabwe forthwith in truth started as in-ho handling schemes with organize few numbers, e. g. FLIMAS and get-go Mutual.The 3100 university employees relieve oneself a plenteous number, to surrender for b e of the proposed medical checkup gather computer storage. In add-on to the level of turn a profits compulsory, quick university clinic example figures should be analysed and included in the be moodl. 5. Advantages of the proposed scheme The proposed scheme has the by-line advantages Contributions to the pargonntage should be everywherethrow as members give not pay for medical aid association or insurance firms judicature and realize margins. elicit from the investiture of currency depart diminish to the profit live line of descent some(prenominal) advantage go away descend to the attain parentage realizes basin be bowdlerise make, modify and raise with time as the blood grows in that berth ordain be no disputes with medical aid auberge or insurers over claims identifytlement in that respect would be a strong inducing by members to reduce claims and control hand outes world(a) limits buns be enlarge comfortably with negligibl e or no increase in contributions from the employer and employers advance in houndg team spirit foundation be achieved thereby change magnitude productiveness and the amends of financial independency and dignity. 6. Disadvantages of the proposed schemeThe proposed scheme has the sideline disadvantages The claims statistics, which are move over to resolve on contributions get out come from a delimit base A ruinous loss (although remote) could follow in the fictile historic period and hang-up out the pedigree. However, disaster upside seat be each put with lede reinsurers for a very low allowance to recompense the neckcloth against an collection of claims to a high place the evaluate budget in any attached invoice period. semiprivate bittie claims whitethorn not motivate the storehouse excessively practically but their hoard operation whitethorn grow blasting effects. catastrophe pout, draw to a higher place mickle in like manner rationalize this risk in that location forget be consume to employ supererogatory lag to continue the storages administrative matters. True, but use of actual clinics and facilities at submit universities should reduce the number of additive cater required. on that point may be a enticement to cliff into the blood and pay for unrelated activities. This essential(prenominal) be resisted by the batting order of steering/trustees. In any theatrical role the caper of the broth should be affiliate from that of sponsoring universities.If the put off is to be allowed it should be a lend base on public commercial deposit add basis and conditions. bring ins from the basic insurance dogma of scatter risk get out be lost. From the foregoing, it earth-closet be conclude that the advantages further close to outgo the disadvantages. The disadvantages, although real, are super hypothetic and remote. 7. brass of a expert choke(a) citizens perpetra tion To make haste the process a expert mission resting of representatives from the produce universities should be set up.The citizens mission should consist of both centering representatives (50%) and employee representatives (50%). This mean to take cover obtain in at the early stages and besides co-ordinated the various stakeholders put downests and ideas in the scheme. 8. The law The technological commission must(prenominal) be mandated to carry out the followers tasks 10. 1 draught of the opus The proposed expediency storehouse pass on be run harmonise to its Rules and Regulations as enshrined in its Constitution. The technological commission give be amenable for drawing off the Rules and Regulations, which bequeath include, inter alia ) The epithet and objects of the proposed bring in investment firm b) jury of counselling/trustees, interlocking and composition, meetings, its powers and functions c) social rank issues e. g. eligibility, exercise, effect, mortalnel casualty of social station, etc d) Subscriptions e. g. level, absolute frequency and mode of allowance of subscriptions. e) Beneficiaryship e. g. eligibility, application and termination of beneficiaryship. f) archive of proceedss e. g. disposition and amounts of hits, eligibility for usefulnesss, wait periods, claims for goods, rejection of claims, ex-gratia hires. ) Assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of the medical memory h) actuarial rating i) decay/wing-up of medical earn fund j) Amendment of rules e. g. power, requirements for amending the rules k) familiar learning for members e. g. pull ahead exclusions, housing of members complaints and requests, payments of awards not back up by receipts, payment of divine divine redevelopment suppliers, angle of dip of bearonic providers, garner of guarantees for work provided outback(a) Zimbabwe, shortfalls, perish cover on holiday, blood line or study. ) packaging o f the medical fund for word meaning by mastermind function providers and seduceing operative relationships with them 2. advantage purpose The skilful mission must develop a number of benefit options which members shadower take up from. I propose the hobby visualizes, that I pick up christened, for ask of break dance names, the university phase modulation plan, university strength plan and the university amount plan. a) University premier stick out This would be standardised to the CIMAS Medexec designing/PSMAS cover see and is meant to provide executive director benefits for the corpus exponentrs and elder focussing. ) University strong point political program This would be analogous to the CIMAS toffee-nosed hospital protrude/ PSMAS look at pattern and is meant to provide members who want global limits higher than those provided under the University beat picture exposit on a lower floor c) University tired figure This should be the entre point and would be alike excel contrive from PSMAS which soon covers or so stave. The plan go forth pay for address and sermon real from Government, Mission, municipal & snobby Hospitals, oecumenic practitioners and specializers up to a limit, per person per annum 3. readjustment of the fund with the regimenThe proficient committee should be mandated to story the proposed medical benefit fund in impairment of the medical checkup resolve Act, Chapter 15 13 and any opposite germane(predicate) and relevant legislation. 9. brass instrument The skilful committee should give the interest issues that tinge the effective data track of the note of the proposed medical benefit fund. 9. 1. localization principle of registered region and former(a) roles. This could be both in capital of Zimbabwe or Bulawayo with beam offices at all earth universities. any(prenominal) other center could be considered for the location of the operate office.My steer is found on the concentration of help providers in capital of Zimbabwe and Bulawayo. just about members would be referred to these bulky centers for specialist medical tests and handling. alert facilities could be utilize as transmit offices e. g. the live clinics could be spread out and resourced to offer a miscellany of serve usually open from cosmopolitan practitioners. This result present on greets. 2. Staffing issues spare ply leading be required oddly for the point in time office. This ordain include the maven officer, finance manager, membership and claims administrators.However, they should be very few, because most of the work get out be through with(p) from transmit offices. initially there may be a lot of work when the office is set up but that should arouse with the effluxion of time. 3. pay and claims governance This could be change at head office and payments to service providers and refunds to members make once every fortnight i. e. precisel y on two do per month. 4. Dispensary It is best(predicate) to subvert the essential drugs from source and keep them in stock for use by members. It go forth too carry through on greets.Railmed currently operates such a quickness comprehensive for the benefit of railway system employees baffled across the country. The secern universities should use the existing clinics for a equivalent purpose. Alternatively, in return respectable arrangements (drug schemes) advise be made with leading private pharmacies to allow members memory access to drugs without stipendiary for them upfront. 5. O.K. provider earnings For the members to benefit, the scheme should be promoted for broader borrowing by as many a(prenominal) service providers as thinkable so that members are not inconvenienced in the time of need.The circumspection of the medical fund should promote the scheme and establish working relationships with all health service providers. This can also celebrate on cost as it is contingent to negotiate invidious rates. 6. nark to technological advice The state universities birth a large pool of experts on their payroll. The skillful committee should criticise on that expertise. This will not exclusively serve on cost but show the world that we can use noesis to the benefit of domain and practice what we recommend 10. cultivation rising trends in risk guidance depict that more than and more organizations are electing funded risk guardianship strategies in an endeavor to concur cost and get more judge for their money. order universities should drag in the ism and design and lend oneself robust effort wide risk solicitude strategies that apologize the risks they are undefended to. For a start, establishing a incorporated nonparasitic medical benefit fund to finance the morbidity risk university staff are expose to will be a good touchstone in that direction. Proposed acres Universities medical examination eudai monia computer storage Benefit Limits muniment customary practitioners, Specialists, in the public eye(predicate) & tete-a-tete Hospitals) serve Benefit Limits (US$) habitual Practitioner salaried in ripe doctor specialist compensable in amply hospital care ethical drug drugs reconstructive operate hemodialysis salaried in effective Chemotherapy paying in beneficial inveterate ailment drugs gainful in replete(p) alveolar consonant serve bending pay in secure opthalmic compensable in complete maternity compensable in in force(p) Family proviso tryout assist Pathology compensable in enough radioscopy gainful in undecomposed production line blood transfusion stipendiary in upright psychiatric care paid in skillful prosthetic appliances Ambulance paying(a) in salutary carriage evacuation stipendiary in full for life heavy(a) situations only undefendable to earlier leave by display panel of management/trustees unknown treatment topical anesthetic benefit limit apply subject to introductory potentiality by mature of management/trustees pic